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Highs & Lows |
High |
Low |
Temperature |
11°C at 12:13
5.1°C at 00:38
Heat Index |
11°C at 12:13
5.1°C at 00:38
WindChill |
11°C at 12:13
5.1°C at 00:38
Humidity |
100% at 15:15
74% at 11:08
Dew Point |
10.4°C at 15:15
2.1°C at 07:08
Barometer |
1029.6mb at 23:59
1022mb at 14:43
Wind |
18mph gust at 13:42
Rainfall |
Solar |
264W/m2 at 14:23
UV |
1.1 (Low) at 11:48 ■
Sunshine Hours |